Overflow weirds and baflles

dsc_0223Overflow weirs are construction (metal or other material) which helps the discharge, evacuation of the water, by an even, uniform, slow distribution. The overflow weirs are basically manufactured out of SS AISI 304 (optional AISI 316) and are mounted on the edge of the concrete tank where the evacuation of the water will be held. The most used shape of the overflow weirs is the triangular shape, and the dimension it designed so the flow is uniform and has a speed that will not disturb the settling process.


The baffle plate is used to retain the floating solids in the water. Baffles, same as the overflow weirs are manufactured out of SS AISI 304 (optional AISI 316) and are mounted on the edge of the concrete tank, where the evacuation of the water will be held.

Using it together has a higher efficiency in retaining the impurities floating on the surface of the water.

Their length is direct proportional with the length and the geometrical form of the concrete tank (decanters).

The height of the overflow weird and the baffle it is calculated taking in consideration the level of the water in the tank.

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