Sand catchers

Grit catchers are used in mechanical wastewater treatment processes. These equipments are used to retain and transfer inorganic solids which density is higher then the floating materials (such as grits, slam). The absence of this equipment can lead to premature deteriorations of the equipments, equipments that are not resistant to corrosions. Such as: pumps, mixers, filters, aerators etc.

If the water has a high content of organic material, the grit catcher will be equipped with a washing system too, which ensure the washing and compacting of retained material.

Grit catcher can be categorized such as:

  • Longitudinal grit chambers;
  • Vertical grit catchers;
  • Grit catcher with circular flux (made by aeration);
  • Grit catcher with rotating palette;
  • Tangential grit catcher;

Between these, the most frequently used is the aerated longitudinal grit catcher.

The longitudinal grit catcher it is endowed with a scraper bridge dimensioned to the tanks dimensions. The movement of the bridge it is made by the help of a geared motor (optional 2) which assures a continuous and optimal speed of the bridge (0,3 m/s). This speed does not disturb the settling process of the grit, sand. The retained sand can be removed by a suction system, with the help of the vacuum or submersible pumps or simply with bottom scrapers, which transfers the grit, sand to the trough. The bridge is equipped with a surface scum and foam scraper and its own control panel.

Choosing the right type of grit and sand catcher we need to take in consideration the place where the equipment will be mounted (space we have available, the soil characteristics, mechanical design, etc), the quantity and quality of the wastewater, but also the sand type and size.

Our company designs, manufactures, mounts and puts in operation compact grit and sand catchers, fully automated, with washing and compacting system for the retained grit.

These types are: CDLD, DLD, SC (sand classifier, this will be use to separate, wash and compact the sand retained by the sand catchers).

Using a compact sand catcher will have the following advantage: uses up smaller space, it comes fully automated; it only needs to be coupled to the existing pipes.

The flow rate of the wastewater and the type of the wastewater needs to be taking in consideration when using a compact sand catcher, and also the extra options if needed (aeration system, compacting system etc.).

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