Flocculation reactor

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floculator - 001

The flocculation reactors are used in the sludge treating and dewatering processes. These are tank without pressure, endowed with electrical mixers with special palette, which helps mixes the sludge with the reactive solution.

The mixer is with auto cleaning system, so on the surface of the palette there will be no sludge deposits.

They are manufactured out of SS 1.4301 (optional SS 1.4401), with different dimensions, for small flows, 5m3/h up to 110m3/h with cca. 1% DM content.

The circulation of the liquid between the sludge flocculation reactor and the thickening installation is done gravitationally. Because of this the flocculation reactor and the sludge thickener will be mounted on the same level. Usually the reactor is mounted directly on the inlet coupling of the sludge thickener. This way there is no need of a transferring pump. The flocculation reactor is used in cases where the sludge it is hard to dewater.

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