Industrial water

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The flow sheet and the component of each wastewater treatment plants varies, it is designed separately for each customer, based on our experience by our specialist staff.

In these cases, our company takes responsibility not only for the delivered equipment, but also for its reliability and for the whole system functioning.

For industrial waste water treatment, our company offers customized solutions for each situation separately. With a wide range of products, getting the best results, by implementing technical and economical solutions, is easily to accomplish.

The experience we gained over the years has contributed of developing processes of wastewater treatment plants with much success for the following industries: dairy, meat industry, food industry, drinking water, hot galvanizing industry, automotive industry, textile industry, etc.

We offer professional solutions in the field, which includes: waste water analysis, technologies and manufacturing designs, installation and servicing of installations required.

The methods used are physical ones (filtration), physical-chemical, biological, and their combination:

  • Solids separation, using gravitational pre-filtration of the water with a high solids content, with a capacity between 5 and 1000 m3/ h, slot dimensions 60 μm-6 mm, in automated mode;
  • Decanters, sludge settling, up to 2500 m3 volume. Anaerobe fermentation installations, biogas reactors, sludge and bio- fertilizer drier, heat changers;
  • Grit and sand catcher, drier;
  • Realization of technologies that ensure reliable wastewater treatment from food and beverages industry, textiles industry, wines etc.;
  • Biological, bio- mechanical, physical-chemical steps;
  • Mechanical- biological wastewater treatment plants;

Most commonly used equipment in industrial wastewater treatment plants:

Tel/Fax. 0264 599 805
Mobil: 0745 585 367

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Cluj-Napoca, Str. Orastie, nr. 10
(In incinta Transilvania Constructii)

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